Now that I have been sufficiently pissed off with aspects of my job and have decided that I have done way too much work already today, I have time to get this out.
I think this is American Idol's final season.
They are revamping it to make it less awful.
1. Adam Lambert
2. Allison Iraheta
3. Kris Allen
4. The judges save
5. Dude. Lady GaGa is insane. That was the craziest shit I've ever seen on this show.
6. Kara
7. mansion
Okay, so let me explain.
1. Adam Lambert is a flamboyant showman. Yes, he's a crazy good singer. Yes, he is attractive. Has that ever been enough for AI though? Have they finally realized that it is okay to be gay? Think of the money they can and will make off his ticket sales.
2. This chick has Camp Rock written all over her. She's young. She's gritty. If marketed properly, they could make a MINT off of her.
3. Kris Allen is very current. He's smart. He's good-looking. He's humble. He's cool. And he's extremely talented. They need a real boy who people can get behind and he has been steadily creeping into a lot of "favorites" lists. They'll get their foot in the MayerMrazJohnsonHarper door a little more thoroughly with him than they did or could with Castro.
4. The judges save eliminates the fear of losing one of their chosen ones. If they go too soon, they lose money.
5. From Stevie Wonder to Lady GaGa. It's just crazy. I don't even know what else to say. That shit was fucked up. I'm not a fan of "her" and even I thought that was the best thing I've ever seen on this show.
6. When Simon was asked if this would be Paula's last year, he said, "She will be here as long as I am." I think the show as we know it is pretty much over. They brought Kara in so everybody could see that it's not just Paula who is useless. Personally, I like Kara but I have read a lot of people who think she's completely useless and adding her was stupid. Maybe they are going to continue the show without Paula (and Simon) judging and they wanted to establish another judge. Next year, if it continues, we'll see Randy, Kara and somebody else.
7. This whole mansion thing reminds me so much of Rock Star. It actually hurts me to think about how awesome that show was. How can a show like that not get picked up while something as horrible as AI has been going strong? Having them live together in the mansion allows them more time to bond and more time to learn from each other. Adam can give showman lessons and Kris can give lessons on how to truthfully be really good without being a douche. Plus it gives us glimpses of them interacting with each other outside of "work". It shows us bits of their personalities without wasting airtime on things like ridiculous impersonations they do of each other. (Anoop's Kris was golden though.) As the contestants get fewer, I hope to see more mansion footage. God. Does anybody remember how awesome Rock Star was?
I can't help it. I am so desperate for this show to be better than it is. Adam is helping to break the monotony and boredom but I have grown so tired of the way this show is run and the pushing of people who would never make it in the industry on their own because they're a dime a dozen. This is a shortcut and I appreciate that for the simple fact that it allows people like Kris Allen to appear on my television. It allows people who have a place in the music industry to get a serious jumpstart on their career. Unfortunately, it also allows people who have no place in the music industry to get way too far ahead of people who are far more deserving. I have close, personal friends (who are so far beyond these people that it's ridiculous) who haven't made it because they don't have the right connections. There was a band from around here that got pretty famous. One of their backup singers started a band. She is amazing. She's a
bitch but she's amazing. I would rather listen to her than 99% of the people on the radio. *sigh* Nevermind. I'll stop ranting and theorizing.
I just miss Rock Star so much.