Thursday, October 09, 2008
Jason and Sam
“When I, when I sleep, you know there’s moments when I wake up and I, I still reach for you. And I remember why you’re not with me, and everything comes flooding back to me. And I gotta move, I gotta get up, I gotta go to work, I gotta do everything I can to make myself stop thinking of you. You like to think I don’t miss you...I miss you.....all the time."
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I have to wait until January
Something I posted at RTVW:
As mentioned, it is helpful to take it in from the beginning. If you're not appreciative of the character progression (or regression) or the basis of the storylines, then it probably is a little difficult to "get it". I wasn't completely sold on this show after my first viewing of the first episode of the first season. After the second episode ("Eyes Wide Open"), I was hooked. After "Wind Sprints" (episode three), the show took ownership of my soul. This show captures so many of the little things that other shows miss or ignore. You know these people. You care about these people. You want this football team to win, but more importantly, you want to know what's going on with the people in this town. It's not that it's not a show about football. I've heard that said a lot and I think I've said it but it's not completely accurate. It's a show about a town who happens to love their football team. But no, you don't have to be passionate about football to be passionate about this show. The acting is like nothing I've ever seen before. Kyle Chandler is a magician. He can convey his emotions with the raise of an eyebrow or a brush of his (equally magical) hair. Connie Britton is a godess. Scott Porter (*sob*) embodies his character. You can't imagine anybody else in these roles that these brilliant actors portray with absolute perfection. When you're watching something else with Scott Porter and he stands, you stand up and scream, "It's a miracle! Jason Street can stand!" Because these characters are real to you. It's not easy to explain to somebody that doesn't watch or "get" the show. But for me, the rest of the world stops when I watch Friday Night Lights. When the hour is over, I want more.
Dillon Texas is my happy place.
Plus, there's Taylor Kitsch. Tim Riggins is my favorite television character ever and it's not just because I think he's gorgeous (though, of course, that doesn't hurt).
One more scene just because it's my favorite.
An old blog entry of mine from February 2007:"It's like somebody sat down and typed it all out from beginning to end. It's brilliant. The storyline continuity and the character development. The little things that you don't notice on other shows because they don't exist on other shows. gah. Unplug the phone. If you have pestering kids, wait until they go to bed. If you have an SO, explain to them that they NEED to leave you alone. Record it so you can pause it. Record it so you can rewatch it. Record it so you have proof that a show this amazing exists when somebody doubts you that it is as awesome as it is. I, unfortunately, have had to erase them after a couple weeks. As soon as it comes out on DVD, I am buying it. I'm saving pennies and hiding it from my husband so he can't spend my FNL DVD set money on something else like gas or groceries."
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Greatest American Dog
Friday, August 15, 2008
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Add Bjork to my wish list
We live on a mountain
Right at the top
There's a beautiful view
From the top of the mountain
Every morning I walk towards the edge
And throw little things off
Like, car parts, bottles and cutlery
Or whatever I find lying around
It's become a habit
A way to start the day
I go through all this
Before you wake up
So I can feel happier
To be safe up here with you
It's early morning
No one is awake
I'm back at my cliff
Still throwing things off
I listen to the sounds they make
On their way down
I follow with my eyes 'til they crash
Imagine what my body would sound like
Slamming against those rocks
When it lands
Will my eyes
Be closed or open?
I go through all this
Before you wake up
So I can feel happier
To be safe up here with you
Which, of course brings to mind this:
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Mark's interviews make me love him more. If that's possible.
These are some quotes from here (not that I needed a Google Alert to see this one):
"I'm feeling really, really happy actually. I just feel like everything lined up for me to leave on an awesome, awesome note as far as who I got to work with this week," he told reporters during a Friday conference call.
"I'm really happy that I was able to stay true to myself this whole process. I'm proud of myself and -- in my own aspect -- I feel like I won."
"One of my biggest things entering the competition was that I really wanted to stay true to myself, and I hope that it encourages other people to be who they really, really are and not be afraid if they are a little different."
"I think it's kind of cool," he told reporters. "I think it's neat to end with the person you started with. It was very sentimental."
"Probably my worst dance on the show was the country two-step. I can't explain to you how hard that was," he said. "I think that we did the best we possibly could with what they gave us."
This livejournal popped up on my alerts. The categories won by Mark include:
Cutest couple with Chelsie ~ shared with Ivan & Allison
Best Personality ~ shared with Sara von Gillern
Most Musical
Most Unique
Most Creative
Partnership with the Best Chemistry with Chelsie
Best Couple that Never Happened with Katee
The honorable mentions are too many to name.
Explain to me, please, how he didn't win BEST HAIR.
From aol:
"I loved working with the last choreographer that I got to work with -- Sonya. She was amazing ... She just has this incredible voice and this incredible energy that when you're working with her, you really want to work hard. And I just felt like I understand her. I feel like we're from the same planet."
"The people that left the first, second or third week -- that's a tough thing. But I was really shocked when Will left because he's crazy amazing. Who else? Gosh, I feel like Kourtni had a lot to offer, too, like artistically and everything. I don't think she really got to show what she's capable of."
"Gosh, I'm just excited to see what happens. But I love dark stuff. I kind of want to see where everything takes me on a non-dance level, too. It would be awesome to get into [acting]. I love Tim Burton's work and Johnny Depp. I love how dark they can get ... and how artistic they are. I also love the work of Cirque du Soleil. I mean, I'm open to so many different things right now."
Friday, August 01, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
It seems like I'm always getting behind these people that I'm always feeling like I have to defend. I don't know why I do that and I know it's a pain in the ass. I just want people to know that I see something totally different than they see. I turned on my Sirius on my way home and put it on Left of Center. It made kind of chuckle to myself because I guess that's why I'm always picking up favorites that people don't understand. And I really do believe that's what it is. They don't understand him. He's not a hip hop dancer. He's not a ballroom dancer. He's not a jazz dancer. He's not a contemporary dancer. He's a DANCER. He has consistently picked up every piece of choreography that has been thrown at him. He has done miles better than anybody else this season in that regard. I just don't get how that can even be argued. I'm so tired of hearing how he gets ranked so low because of his solos. He dances. He doesn't do tricks. He doesn't pull gimmicks. He doesn't do what people want him to do. He does what the music tells him to do. God, I love that about him. And people say he's awful because they can't label him. I am so proud of him and everything he has done. I am proud of his fans for sticking it out and not letting people convince them that they are wrong.
I will not be okay if Mark goes home tonight. It will ruin the finale for me. Hell, it will ruin the season.
This season would have been a waste for me if he wasn't there.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Nashville Star
I just watched an old Jared Leto movie. "The Last of the High Kings" aka "Summer Fling" He is so stupid beautiful. It's a crime. Some of his physical beauty should be passed out to some of us that could use it. sheeeeeesh. Naked butt too. Hubby walked in during the sex part (right before naked butt) and said, "What are you watching?" I said, "Jared Leto porn. hahahaha *notice he's not laughing* No. This is the first and only part like this at all." It was better than I thought it would be and I'm pretty convinced I saw it back in the day. Jared's always worth a re-watch though even if the movie isn't. Not that it was bad but if he wasn't in it, I'd have deleted it from the DVR. Glad I didn't because, well, because Jared Leto butt, but also because the music was cool. (lots of Thin Lizzy)
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Season 2 Top 6
I remember this Mia Michaels. No props. Just really amazing dance. Brings me to tears every single time.
A post about Mark
I think that if I was a musician, I would hire him, beg him, to be a part of my band. His job would be to just dance to my music. I think that would be brilliant.
Monday, July 21, 2008
It's things like this
Others fared better. Johns' performance, featuring stadium-ready anthems courtesy of Queen and Aerosmith, proved far-more memorable than his plebeian name; White, alternating between guitar and piano, charmed her way through "1-2-3-4" and "Yellow"; Castro, with his shoulder-length dreadlocks, brought a mellow, stoner vibe to a ukulele-driven "Over the Rainbow."
The top two contestants couldn't live up to these simple charms.
Because, as some of you may recall, those three top my favorites of the season list.
Friday, July 18, 2008
There's something wrong with me
I'm always one of the first ones on that grassy knoll. This time though, I am choosing to climb down from there and believe my gut. This guy is special. Why would they try to get him booted off? Right?
When he was declared safe, Chelsie gave him the hug I wanted to give him. Hell, I needed a hug.
Keep doing what you're doing, Mark. Please.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
LOVED: Michael, Michael and Carly, Top 6 guys with Bryan Adams, Seal, Carrie Underwood, OneRepublic w/ David Archuleta (I NEED an mp3, please).
Not so much: ZZTop with Cook (complete with weird knee movements. Seriously. Who told him to do that?), Love Guru, Michael not singing the "warm and naked" part.
I'm sure I'll think of more.
Anyway. Josiah Leming signed with Warner Bros. and talks to MTV about it here. Yay Josiah!
Friday, May 23, 2008
And the winner is...
Also? The SYTYCD season opener was on last night and I think I already have a favorite. yikes. That is always bad news for me. And no, it's not Hok this year. She's an 18 year old soccer player named Kherington Payne and she's wonderful.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The Finally Finale
I posted on RTVW about the Cook to Daughtry comparisons making my claws come out. They sunk in though when Simon said that if this stays a "talent competition" that Cook should win. I? don't believe that to be true. *looks at past eleventy posts* Obviously. Because of that, my claws have remained dug in and I was not allowed the opportunity to warm up to David Cook. I like the guy. I think he's talented. Do I think he's more talented than Daughtry? *scoff!* Do I think he's more talented than Bo? *pffft!* Do I think he's more talented than Michael? No. Absolutely not.even.close. I apologize to my other favorites (Bo, Chris and Bucky) but Michael has taken a very secure lead over them these past weeks. Now I realize that this is still fresh for me but I don't think he'll go backwards. He's way too wonderful.
So tonight, I will go to dinner and a movie and come home to my mmmMichael and his perfect voice and his gorgeousness awaiting my viewing. I will view with great pleasure and my husband will feel very lucky (I had a dream last night that is burned into my brain... and other parts). Thank you, American Idol, for bringing me somebody again. They're good for that. They're not good at getting anything right (except for S4 ~ Carrie and Bo) but they're good for giving me somebody to follow and be interested in.
The Rising on Sharon Osbourne 2003
Nothing hotter in the world. *wipes sweaty brow* *wipes drooly chin*
Baby Michael singing Radiohead's "High and Dry"
Friday, May 16, 2008
AI7 Final 2 vs. AI4 Top 2
annoying screaming bitches
farther away but you can hear them
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
I can't be the only one
Yes, More Michael
Today Tonight
The Morning Show
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
More Michael
Michael at the White House Correspondents' Dinner:
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I get that David Foster has a gift for this kind of thing but Michael is not "pop". Stick to your guns, Michael.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Michael's final performance
"Dream On" studio version
"It's All Wrong But It's All Right" studio version
This one makes me cry. I'm really going to miss him on the show.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Bucky went out 8th too
I'll be buying mmmmmMichael's stuff just like I've bought Bucky's.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Gotta give some throwback Idol love
Bo "In A Dream"
While I'm at it.
Bucky "Best I Ever Had"
No idea what the judges were talking about here. He sounded amazing. If they would have done Idol Gives Back when Bucky was there, he may not have got voted out when he did. He would have had that free week that they get now. hmmm. That's an interesting thought. How would that free week have effected the outcome of that season?
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
David Cook
"Hello" indeed
"Eleanor Rigby"
Wow. Just wow. "Billie Jean"
But still? Nothing will ever "compare" to this moment:
at least not for me.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Bring Back Rock Star!
Send to:
Ghen Maynard
Executive Vice President
CBS Paramount Network Television Entertainment Group
7800 Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90036
The person to contact at Mark Burnett Productions is:
Conrad Riggs
Mark Burnett Productions
640 North Sepulveda Boulevard
FloorLos Angeles, CA 90049