"A few will never give up on you. When you go back out on the field, those are the people I want in your minds. Those are the people I want in your hearts."
Now that I have been sufficiently pissed off with aspects of my job and have decided that I have done way too much work already today, I have time to get this out.
I think this is American Idol's final season. OR They are revamping it to make it less awful.
1. Adam Lambert 2. Allison Iraheta 3. Kris Allen 4. The judges save 5. Dude. Lady GaGa is insane. That was the craziest shit I've ever seen on this show. 6. Kara 7. mansion
Okay, so let me explain. 1. Adam Lambert is a flamboyant showman. Yes, he's a crazy good singer. Yes, he is attractive. Has that ever been enough for AI though? Have they finally realized that it is okay to be gay? Think of the money they can and will make off his ticket sales. 2. This chick has Camp Rock written all over her. She's young. She's gritty. If marketed properly, they could make a MINT off of her. 3. Kris Allen is very current. He's smart. He's good-looking. He's humble. He's cool. And he's extremely talented. They need a real boy who people can get behind and he has been steadily creeping into a lot of "favorites" lists. They'll get their foot in the MayerMrazJohnsonHarper door a little more thoroughly with him than they did or could with Castro. 4. The judges save eliminates the fear of losing one of their chosen ones. If they go too soon, they lose money. 5. From Stevie Wonder to Lady GaGa. It's just crazy. I don't even know what else to say. That shit was fucked up. I'm not a fan of "her" and even I thought that was the best thing I've ever seen on this show. 6. When Simon was asked if this would be Paula's last year, he said, "She will be here as long as I am." I think the show as we know it is pretty much over. They brought Kara in so everybody could see that it's not just Paula who is useless. Personally, I like Kara but I have read a lot of people who think she's completely useless and adding her was stupid. Maybe they are going to continue the show without Paula (and Simon) judging and they wanted to establish another judge. Next year, if it continues, we'll see Randy, Kara and somebody else. 7. This whole mansion thing reminds me so much of Rock Star. It actually hurts me to think about how awesome that show was. How can a show like that not get picked up while something as horrible as AI has been going strong? Having them live together in the mansion allows them more time to bond and more time to learn from each other. Adam can give showman lessons and Kris can give lessons on how to truthfully be really good without being a douche. Plus it gives us glimpses of them interacting with each other outside of "work". It shows us bits of their personalities without wasting airtime on things like ridiculous impersonations they do of each other. (Anoop's Kris was golden though.) As the contestants get fewer, I hope to see more mansion footage. God. Does anybody remember how awesome Rock Star was?
I can't help it. I am so desperate for this show to be better than it is. Adam is helping to break the monotony and boredom but I have grown so tired of the way this show is run and the pushing of people who would never make it in the industry on their own because they're a dime a dozen. This is a shortcut and I appreciate that for the simple fact that it allows people like Kris Allen to appear on my television. It allows people who have a place in the music industry to get a serious jumpstart on their career. Unfortunately, it also allows people who have no place in the music industry to get way too far ahead of people who are far more deserving. I have close, personal friends (who are so far beyond these people that it's ridiculous) who haven't made it because they don't have the right connections. There was a band from around here that got pretty famous. One of their backup singers started a band. She is amazing. She's a bitch but she's amazing. I would rather listen to her than 99% of the people on the radio. *sigh* Nevermind. I'll stop ranting and theorizing.
Ju’not “Hey There Delilah” – I loved this. It made me swoony and he’s awesome. If Adam didn't already have me, I'd be all yours, baby.
Lil “Be Without You” – I reeeeally like her. I was hoping to not like one of the ones that were super-pimped. Nope. Three for three.
Felicia “No One” – there were some bum notes there but overall I thought it was better than most. She’s super!pretty.
Jorge “Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me” – I liked it and he seems really genuine. They eyebrows though? Come on.
Von “You’re All I Need To Get By” – This was so much less annoying than I thought it would be. I was so bummed out that I didn’t hate it that it’s possible that I didn’t like it as much as I thought I did. I appreciate him holding back and it would benefit him to continue to do so. It was a very smart decision on his part.
Kristen “Give Me One Reason” – I like her tone. Her hairdresser accidently dyed purple streaks in her hair? Perfect stripes right in front? Oookay.
Scott “Mandolin Rain” – I just haven’t been that impressed with him. Aw he’s blind. Yes, I get that. But the voice? Not so much.
Kendall “This One’s For the Girls” – meh. She’s cute.
Nate “I Would Do Anything For Love” – I wanted him to be better than he was. Not bad though. Elton John, Randy?
Taylor “If I Ain’t Got You” – I honestly don’t remember her performance. I do remember thinking she looked good but in no way 17 (more like 27).
Alex “I Guess That’s Why They Call It the Blues” – oh Alex. I was so afraid when Ryan broke the microphone! I really want to see Adam all glammed up using that spectacularly appropriately ummm glammy mic. Hubby told me to relax because he was sure they had a spare. And they did. whew!
Arianna “The Winner Takes It All” – I was so excited that somebody was doing ABBA and then she stunk it up. Parts of it were nice but the not nice outweighed the nice by a large margin.
Jasmine “Love Song” – I had high hopes for her. I really liked her through the “audition” process and she was one of the ones I was excited to see. Not good.
Matt the pianist “Viva la Vida” – I think this is a difficult song to sing. I was slightly impressed that he could sing it at all. I just think it would have been better for him if he sang it well. I do like him though. I wouldn’t hate it if he makes it through. Another one I was super excited to see that let me down.
Leggy Bartender “This Love” – I fast forwarded. And then apologized to my husband because those legs really are magnificent. I told him I should have just muted. He wasn’t that bothered by it though.
Nick/Norman – wasn’t even funny this time around. I wish I would have found it entertaining since this show is such a joke anyway. Oh well. Let down #3. I’d say #4 but since I had no idea who Legs was before this, it was hard to feel let down by her.
NPH was there again? Is he dating Ryan?
Allison “Alone” – I said last week that certain songs should be retired. This is one of them. Carrie blew me away with this song. I do like Allison though. I’m pretty sure she’s the coolest sixteen year-old in the world.
Cute boy “Man in the Mirror” – I don’t know if I like this song. I do know that I don’t like this boy’s choice of song. Husband thought it was good. *shrug*
Megan Corkery “Put Your Records On” – Good God she is gorgeous. I really liked her from the auditions. I’m not sure I was crazy about this song choice but she’s a favorite of mine.
Matt the welder “If You Could Only See” – He has a nice, smooth voice. This song was slowed down too much. I haven’t heard Tonic’s version of this song in years though because I favor PNH’s (a local band that went national and then broke up… idiots) so maybe the original is that slow. I’m not sure I felt let down by him but I was underwhelmed.
Jesse “Bette Davis Eyes” – I loved her. I loved her song choice. I loved her vibe. I loved her being all WTF? to Randy. LOVE her. I’ve loved her brother since “Lie to Me” (What was that 1997?) so she gets bonus affection by association.
Kai “?”– wrong song… that I don’t remember. Shame. I was excited to see him. And hello? He’s gorgeous. He could use some work on his hair (including facial). Ah well.
Mishavonna “Drops of Jupiter” – meh. I didn’t hate it.
Adam “Satisfaction” – y’all are going to tie me up and torture me but I love him. I wouldn’t buy a CD (I don’t think… well, maybe I would after a few more months of brainwashing) but I would LOVE to see him on stage. He owns it. His range is incredible. He is in a completely different league than anybody on this show. Anybody that’s ever been on this show. I’m not saying I like his voice better than I’ve liked anybody else’s voice. (I tend to like my singers to show emotion when they sing.) I’m saying he belongs on stage and I’d pay money to watch him. My only complaint with him was… not with him at all. My only complaint is that the stage was way too small for him. He’s out of place on American Idol. Maybe I’ll get sick of him, because Lord knows I’ve never favored a theater-type performer on any of these shows (Rockstar INXS comes to mind. What was that one guy’s name? and MiG. Which brings Marty to mind. Which brings Ryan to mind. Which reminds me why I shouldn’t ever bother getting invested in anybody on American Idol. Because hello? Nobody can touch Ryan.) but right now, I can’t wait to see him perform again. I am highly anticipating the “top” twelve show because Adam is fabulous. Ooh! We’ll get to see him sing again tonight, right? Yay!
Jackie Tohn “A Little Less Conversation” – didn’t like the song choice. Didn’t like the outfit.
Ricky Braddy “A Song For You” – I wasn’t that impressed. He makes weird faces and pahs and tahs into the microphone (kind of like Kara was doing)… back away from the mic. Also? Elliott killed this song. (as an aside, Yamin wasn’t one of my favorites during his season but I’ve grown to really love his voice)
Alexis Grace “Never Loved A Man” – I was impressed.
Neil Patrick Harris!!!! Hi! I love you! What is he doing there and why is he with Ted Danson?
Brent Keith “Hicktown” – should have chosen a different song. I understand why he picked it though and I can appreciate it. But. He needed to commit to it some more.
Hey Simon, Bucky released an album that sold pretty well. He’s doing pretty okay for himself.
Stevie Wright “You Belong To Me” – This chick is named after one of the greatest female singers in all the land and she’s adorable. It’s really too bad she sucked so much.
Anoop “Angel of Mine” – interesting song choice. I really like him and I’d like to see him in the “top” twelve. He has a natural talent thing that I really like.
Casey Carlson “Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic” – no. I don’t even want to discuss it.
Michael Sarver “I Don’t Wanna Be” – he brings the pretty. This song though? Not a good choice because Bo killed it. As a matter of fact, iirc, Elliot also killed this song. Certain songs should just be eliminated from this show. You know?
Ann Marie “Natural Woman” - forgettable
Stephen Fowler “Rock With You” – he has one of those amazingly seductive voices. Bad song choice. Pity.
Tatiana “Saving All My Love” – one of the best of the night by far
Danny Gokey “Hero” – The tone of his voice sends shivers up my spine. Parts of this song hit me so hard that I’ll even forgive the finger-point at the end there… never do that again, pony. I’m just going to have to turn off my defense like I learned to do with Michael Johns last year. You think he’s a douchebag? I think he has a great voice. The fact that he is being pimped so embarrassingly hard is not his fault.
Hi Jamar! Wish you were still singing for us.
Thank God For Simon. Without him the "judging" would have been far less believable. The band sucked. The best of the night wasn't the best vocal performance ever performed by a performer.
The three going through are likely to be: Danny, Alexis and one of Anoop or Michael.
I started watching Leverage and remembered how very much I appreciate Christian Kane. I've also been really into Angel lately. I haven't seen all of the series yet. I watched the first two seaons when it aired and have caught many later episodes over the years in syndication. I try to keep up with it on TNT but when it seems like they're airing it in order, something gets out of whack or I forget to check for a while or something. Anyway, I found some Lindsey videos.
Leverage also has Aldis Hodge which helps a heap. There is no possible way I can miss a show that has both these guys on it.
oh God. My husband and I watched Close to Home on CBS Fridays. Imagine my delight to learn that Annabeth's husband was played by Christian Kane. He was hardly ever shown. Then they killed him off at the end of the first season. It was SO freaking sad too.
I was fortunate enough to get to see this even though it didn't air here. I was trying to remember the different routines from week to week just from memory and I remembered very few so I am doing this with the aid of Wikipedia.
Week 1 I remember re-watching Lisa and Vincent’s Stacey Tookey “Slow Me Down” routine and falling in love with them immediately. I thought they were brilliant.
I was so happy to see Blake on my television again. He’s so wonderful.
I remember the “Shake It” Disco routine from Lara and Miles. That was fun! I think that’s mostly due to the song though. (I immediately put that and “Slow Me Down” on my ryPod.)
Week 2 Nico and Arassay’s “Somebody to Love” theatre routine was pretty great-eesh. I don’t think I’m as in love with it as everybody else but it was among my favorites from the season.
Francis and Natalli’s Paso was really quite enjoyable for me. So much pretty.
Week 3 Blake McGrath is a genius. Nico and Arassay’s contemporary routine was gorgeous. It was sexy and passionate and everything I love to see in contemporary routines.
Vincent and Lisa’s Cheesman African Jazz routine was absolutely gorgeous. I loved it.
Week 4 Have I mentioned that Blake is a genius? Izaak and Kaitlyn’s jazz-funk was so fun. And sexy. Blake makes everything sexy.
In reading through the routines from week four, I honestly don’t remember any of the others.
Week 5 Sho-Tyme’s House routine for Lisa and Vincent was fun. Those two can do anything and do it well. And Becker redeemed himself with “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World” routine for Nico and Arassay. Gorgeous.
Blake's group routine was amazing.
Week 6 I don’t remember any of these. I wish I could remember Arassay and Vincent’s disco.
Week 7 I’d been waiting to see Lisa and Nico together. Knowing they had to break up my two favorite couples, it was the least they could do. And then they gave me Blake jazz-funk choreography too! Have I mentioned that Blake makes everything sexy? Not that these two need any help in that department. Wow! I hate that song but it didn’t matter. That was great.
Benji’s Lindy Hop was weird but Izaak and Arassay made it fun to watch. Arassay was an animal. Their Tango was good too. I couldn’t take my eyes off of Arassay. She IS a beast!
The Vincent and Natalli Krump was, well it was Lil’ C so it was “buck”. Vincent can do anything!Their Tookey contemporary was gorgeous. It ranks up there with my favorites of the season.
Arassay and Vincent eliminated?!?! Really? Really? This is when I found out I had grown attached to somebody else besides Blake while watching this. It broke my heart to see Vincent eliminated. It never occurred to me that he wouldn’t make final four. He is brilliant. And Arassay? is magic. So I guess I learned that Canada gets it wrong too. *sniff*
Week 8 “The Face” was gorgeous. The sexy was there but this one was more emotional. Beautiful. I’d have liked to have seen Lisa do this one with somebody a little more… more. Somebody like Blake or Danny (Tidwell, that is)… or Vincent.
Nico and Natalli are way too hot together. Jeez. The stage should have melted. Their Disco was really good. Finally those people who didn’t watch Blake do Disco during SYTYCD Season one have a really fun Disco to remember.
Nico’s “Reckoner” solo was so, so pretty. I just… wow. Thank you, Nico. I loved all his solos but this one stands out to me the most because of the song… well and because he was all wet.
My absolute favorite was… hmmm… it’s hard to pick between Vincent and Lisa but it’s one of those two. Arassay, Nico and Natalli rounded out my top five. Miles probably would rank sixth (maybe seventh) and I don’t think Allie makes my top ten. I honestly don’t remember any of her routines except the “Permanent” contemporary with Nico (which was very pretty).
It was pretty fortunate for me during the first half of the top 20 because my top four were coupled. When Nico/Arassay and Vincent/Lisa were separated, it only solidified all of the reasons they were my favorites. They made every routine they did look good and looked great doing it. They took every style and conquered it like professionals. Extremely talented, well-rounded professionals. No doubt one of these four should have won. I wouldn't have been, and wasn't, totally shocked to see Natalli edge them out but nobody else deserved to in my eyes.
Overall, this was a refreshing watch for me. First and foremost, and the reason it captured me in the first place was because of my love for Blake. Second because it reassured me that I am not all about feeding my eyes the candy. Three of my top five favorites were female. (Of course, one was a beautiful, beautiful, charismatic, charming, talented, beautiful man, but that’s to be expected. I am human.) I don’t think I have favored girls on this show since season two so it was like a revelation for me. I can breathe a big sigh of relief, knowing that I’m more than just shallow. Or at least I was while watching this show.