We interrupt this FNL summarizing to bring you my very early thoughts on American Idol. I am sure that I will somehow jinx everybody I mention. It's really too early for me to have any favorites. If I would have had to pick a very early female favorite, it would have been Porcelana or Tammy the pedi-cab lady. Neither of those women made it to Hollywood so what do I know? oh wait. What do I know? I know they are not looking for a refreshingly different rocker-type chick. Thankfully I also know they are not looking for an annoying tiny woman who wants to be Shakira and sadly comes nowhere near.
Alaina – I think I remember liking her during the auditions but I wasn’t wowed by her. I just wanted her to get through.
Amy – I have no idea what this person sounds like. She has a really nice mouth. I remember that. Pretty teeth.
AJ – Who?
Blake – yay! Beatboxing is fucking awesome. Hee! This is one of the few people I remember. I really like him. The reason I think he’ll do well is because Justin Timberlake is VERY popular right now. If teenage girls (and 34 year old women) think there needs to be another Justin, he stands a good chance to make it at least to the final 12. American Idol? I’m not sure. But I do like him. He's pretty well known in and around his area.
Antonella – Thought she was okay. I wasn’t wowed by her. There must be a reason she made it over Marisa. I thought Marisa was way better. Hmmm… I think her name was Marisa.
Gina – I like her if for no other reason than that she isn’t a poppy looking little tart.
Brandon – backup singer dude. I like him. He’s nice looking. That’ll help.
Chris Richardson – He is very adorable. And... If teenage girls (and 34 year old women) think there needs to be another Justin, he stands a good chance to make it at least to the final 12. Unfortunately I don’t think he’ll make it to final 12 because I don't think him and Blake would both make it but he could and he should because he’s really really cute. *grin*
Haley – Not sure who she is.
Jordin – No. I don’t like her. This means she will probably be there too long for my liking. Probably final 12 at least.
Chris Sligh – love him. He’s funny. He’s charming. And most importantly, he can sing. Final 12 for sure. American Idol? *shrug*
Jared – No. I absolutely hated the way he played up to the camera. This means he will probably be there too long for my liking. Probably will get beat out for final 12 by Paul and/or Phil.
Lakisha – This woman has been brilliant so far. She won’t win but she has pipes, man.
Leslie – I’m not sure who she is. I dont' remember what she sounds like.
Nicholas – He’s cute. It helps. But I don’t think he’ll beat out Paul and/or Phil for Final 12. He should though so I hope he does and I hope I'm wrong about Paul and/or Phil.
Paul Kim – already has a fan base. Final 12.
Melinda – Lots of people talk about her. I don’t care. Final 12.
Nicole – I don’t know who she is.
Phil – see Paul Kim. Plus Phil’s kinda cute and he sounded good in the snippet from Hollywood. Final 12.
Rudy – hmmm… he probably won’t make final 12 but he probably should.
Sabrina – not sure who she is.
Stephanie – will be overshadowed by Lakisha, Melinda, Gina and others with bigger personalities
Sanjaya – I’ve loved him from the second he was on the screen. If I haven’t jinxed him right out of the running right off the bat, I’ll be amazed. Final 12! Dammit.
Sundance – I would have thought he was a sure thing from his audition but he was stinko in Hollywood so we’ll see. Maybe Final 12. If he makes it, he’ll take Phil’s place.
My TOTAL Guesses for Final 12:
Chris Sligh
Paul Kim or Nicholas
Phil Stacey or Sundance
Jordin *makes icky face*
I have a bunch of notes on FNL ready to be typed out but I have to go back and rewatch episodes four and five again if I want to do the detailed "summaries" like the ones I was doing. Wow. That's a really long sentence. I love this show like I've never loved a television show before in my life. I tell Shawn every Wednesday night, "Oh my God I am in love with this show." And I tear up when I say it. I can't think of any other words to describe it besides amazing and gorgeous. It's perfect. It has the best actors on television. It has the best writers on television. It has this wonderful camera work. It has the beautiful scenery. I don't know what else people want. Everybody should be watching this show. Everybody should be in love with this show. I'm not saying there's something wrong with you if you don't but... oh wait. Yes, I am. There is something wrong with you if you are not watching this show. Watch this show. You will thank me. I promise you that. You have to watch it like I watch it though. It's like somebody sat down and typed it all out from beginning to end. It's brilliant. The storyline continuity and the character development. The little things that you don't notice on other shows because they don't exist on other shows. gah. Unplug the phone. If you have pestering kids, wait until they go to bed. If you have an SO, explain to them that they NEED to leave you alone. Record it so you can pause it. Record it so you can rewatch it. Record it so you have proof that a show this amazing exists when somebody doubts you that it is as awesome as it is. I, unfortunately, have had to erase them after a couple weeks. As soon as it comes out on DVD, I am buying it. I'm saving pennies and hiding it from my husband so he can't spend my FNL DVD set money on something else like gas or groceries.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
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I'm almost afraid to say who I like, because last year when I said that, it definitely jinxed them. The girl I liked got booted very early, and then the guy I liked turned out to be too schmaltzy (yes, I liked Ace).
There were a quite a few of the girls in these 12 that I just don't remember at all. Alaina's cute, but I don't think her voice was that great. She'll probably win because I don't like her, unless the other one I really don't like (Antonella) wins. I really like Gina and Lakisha, so they will probably be the first two girls to go.
I adore Chris Sligh. He's so funny, and he has a great voice. He should get into acting, also. "I just want to make David Hassellhoff cry." LOL
Sanjaya is good, too. I hope he retains that sweet part of his character, and doesn't become an obnoxious jerk.
I guess I didn't pay very much attention during all the auditions and stuff. I don't know who a lot of these people are, and I don't have any real opinions yet.
I am surprised about the Sanjaya love. I only recall the clip they showed of him when they were about to reveal whether he made the show or not. And I thought it was horrible! I was shocked when he made it through. I must have missed something.
Oh, and I am happy because there are a bunch of hot guys on this show. Who shall I have my crush on? Decisions, decisions.
K. I think I have my crush. I know it's only halfway through the show, but Blake? Um, yeah, swoon.
Shawn just went to take a pee break. We've only made it through the first three performances. I've only liked one (Brandon) and that's partially because he's so pretty.
Arkie, Ace's song is my favorite song on the AI5 CD. I still keep meaning to listen to more of his music. I ended up liking him a lot more when he was gone. :)
Jen, Sanjaya is like a little ray of sunshine! No problem with you crushing on Blake except I might jinx him because I like him so much. I don't have a crush on him though. *grin*
Why is this blog on west coast time? It's confusing me. Fix it, please. :)
I think Sanjaya did have a nice voice tonight, but I agreed with Simon... BO-RING!
Oh, and one of the guys that you weren't too fond of in this early prediction post? I thought was the best of the night. :)
okay. I'll try to remember how to fix it.
Who was I not fond of that you thought was the best?
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