Thursday, March 29, 2007

3/28/07 Results Show

I was a little bummed at first that Phil was in the bottom three. Then I realized that of course Sanjaya wouldn't be. And then I remembered that Phil isn't one of my favorites. I got nervous when they called Sligh to the middle of the stage. But his performance was pretty bad so I guess it makes sense. Hayley in the bottom three was right. Sligh being sent home was wrong. oh well. Mandisa went home in 9th last year. That was just a little out loud wishful thinking.

Gwen Stefani is adorable. I'm not sure Akon could hear himself. I don't know what his part in that song is supposed to be but I assume it is more than nothing. That's what he was doing last night. Nothing. But he was looking mighty fine.

Sligh sounded a thousand times better singing himself out. It was sweet to see him hugging everybody.

Chris Richardson always seems to endear himself more to me on results night. I loved how he moved over by Blake when Sligh was singing. Such a cute kid.

Next week is Tony Bennett songs. *yawn*


Jen said...

Wha? No comment on how friggin zexy Chris looked in that lame Ford commercial?
Or are you still feeling dirty for crushing on a 22 year old? *grin*

Glowie said...

OMG! The Ford commercial! Ha. That's twice they've featured him.

He's adorable. How could I feel guilty?

Glowie said...

*feels guilty for not feeling guilty*


Velva said...

Oh please! Feeling guilty for crushing on cute Chris sounds as unlikely as me feeling guilty for staring at Ryan's butt on Saturday. It was right there... what was I supposed to look at?