Though I thought he was pretty hot last week too (without the scar but with some scruff). So it can't just be because of the scar. Maybe I just don't like clean cut boys. We watched Rocky Balboa recently too. I wasn't necessarily finding him hot in that one. Attractive? sure but not hot. I'm guessing it's because he was all clean and wearing suits and stuff. My husband asked me if I wanted him to cut a big gash in his face. I told him I would like that very much. mmm dark and dangerous and mysterious and oh so sexy.
We stopped watching 24 when Heroes started up. I'm so glad we did (no not just because of Peter Petrelli's scar) because after the first few episodes of 24, I was bored. I'm not a gigantic Heroes superfan but I do find it really interesting and well written. Plus I am an Ali Larter fan so even if a great story and giant face scar weren't enough to keep me tuned in, her gorgeousness would. Anyway, one or two seasons of 24 was enough for me.
But instead of cancelling a tired show, Fox decided to cancel Drive after four episodes. Shame. Add that to the ever-increasing list of shows that suck me in and then get dumped. (Six Degrees, Reunion, Smith, Heist, Kidnapped ~not that I was overly impressed with the show. I watched it because I'm a Sisto fan~ ... what else? I know there are many more.)
Oh! Speaking of Jeremy Sisto, he of the swoony voice, I was happy to see him on Numb3rs. I hope that turns out to be a co-starring role and not just a guest starring role. I should look into that.
Lost might be losing me too. I still watch it of course, but I don't have to glue myself to it and turn all the lights out like I used to. I thought they were supposedly getting back on track. *shrug* Whatever, I'll keep watching it. I've invested enough time in it to care what the heck is going on. Plus, on my regular shallow note, there's always Josh Holloway.
Do I watch too much television? Absolutely. It's fun though. There's always somebody to make a girl all swoony and fluttery. I'm not sure how I'd handle it if everything suddenly ends up five years in the future and all the guys have sexy scars on their faces.
*drool* I agree! I thought Milo was hot since the first episode. And you know I don't usually go for the bad/dangerous boys but I agree that the scar is way hot. I've always thought he was hot though. It must be the semi-droopy mouth. He's hotness, no matter what.
(Wow. How many times did I use the word hot in that paragraph? lol)
*sigh* Reunion. I liked that show.
Six Degrees? Eh. Not surprised it was canceled. And Drive sounded dumb to me from the get go. I never watched it. But yes, there have been a lot of good shows that have been let go because the networks won't give them a chance.
Every week I say I'm done with Lost, but then I always tune back in. I have liked the past few weeks much better though. They are at least providing *some* answers. I'm sure we will be disappointed by the ending though. There's just no way they can wrap it all up to make sense.
I don't know if any of that made sense. My mind is rambling tonight.
Drive is (was) good! *kick*
I can't imagine how Lost could save the ending but I won't give up on it. I'd like to but I won't.
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