Tuesday, June 05, 2007

hmmm... I wonder how we're going to record all of our shows while we're gone. I think you can only record like 20 hours worth of stuff. yikes. We'll have to go through the guide and pick and choose.
Hell's Kitchen
Pirate Master
General Hospital (that'd be like 7 hours right there... hmmm)

What am I missing? There's got to be tons more.


Jen said...

On The Lot? Or have you given up on that?

I know you can watch Traveler online, so maybe you don't have to take up space with that. I've watched both of the episodes on my laptop.

Top Chef!! I don't think you watched either of the other seasons, but you should start. *grin* 'Course you wouldn't have to record that. It's on Bravo, so they replay it about 2 gabillion times.

Glowie said...

Yes! On The Lot. I don't care about it but I'll keep watching it.

Top Chef. Yes. But we'll be able to catch up when we come back. When does it start? We watched it last year. I remember Sam fondly. *grin*

Jen said...

Top Chef is having some season 1 vs. season 2 special tomorrow night, and then the regular season starts next Wed.

Sam. Ick. Both his looks and his personality. I loved Ilan for most of the show, but he started being an ass towards the end. He's still cute, though. :) Both of them will be on tomorrow's show.

Yay! I *heart* Top Chef.

Glowie said...

well then. Thanks for the heads up!

I understand you not liking Sam's looks because... well, because but I still don't know why you didn't like his personality.

Jen said...

I know we discussed this before. I just thought he was a punk ass bitch. *grin*
It all started on the episode where they had to stick to the calorie restrictions. At judges table, he piped up and started talking about how people were cheating, using olive oil, etc. But then when questioned further, he said he wouldn't name names because he's "not that guy." Uh, if you aren't "that guy" then why did you bring it up? *rolls eyes*

He just always seemed like a pompous asshole to me. Which might explain why you liked him and I didn't. *grin*

Glowie said...

LOL. I did miss that episode but yeah, I can usually spot an asshole a million miles away and that will be the guy I choose. Shawn being the exception, of course. *grin*

Queen TV said...

Hope you are having fun on your trip. You sounds like a reality TV junkie like me. Top Chef is excellent. I have DVR issues too. I have 3 back up VCRs in case my DVR gets over programmed. And just because I havn't said it to you yet, Yay for FNL!!!