I would just like to note that I love Jen. She cracks me up. "I don't feel bad about people eating slop. I suck at that... the feeling bad thing. I definitely feel something but I don't know if it's bad." Ha!
It's mystifying to me that the same America that loved Janelle hates Jen. How backwards can we get? *remembers who the President is* *remembers who won American Idol this year* Oh yeah. Nevermind. Jen tries. You can tell she does but she's just kind of oblivious. Maybe watching BBAD or the feeds or just reading about them will help people see the light. Maybe? But people who just watch the show on CBS won't do that. And I'll be irritated that most of us are suckers to editing. CBS loves Dick and Daniele and they want us to hate Jen. Watching BBAD, it's difficult to hate any of them.
I hope America doesn't vote for her to be the target of all Eric's "pranks" because her nonreaction won't make for very good television. Mustard all over her shirt. Her reaction? "that's funny" The chick doesn't let things get to her. How can you not love her for the way Dick's threats and attacks just rolled off her back? Awesome.
And the making the bathing suits from the unitard? JENius.

Nick and Daniele? bore the crap out of me. And they really think people care. They're playing each other big time. Or at least I hope they are. I'm pretty sure I would like her to leave asap. If for no other reason than this:

and this:

I'm also pretty sure I need him to shave his mustache. Mohawk Thursday. A mohawk with that mustache? yikesy. I'm okay with punk rockers having mohawks. I'm not so sure about the Nicks of the world. Mohawk just doesn't seem to fit him. But? Even in all his cheesiness and violentness and bad-mustachedness, he's still the prettiest thing on my television this summer. I like him because I'm shallow. *shrug*

I can't decide if I like anybody else in the house. I like Dick sometimes but sometimes he reminds you that he really is a dick. For real.
Oh! Jessica. I like Jessica. She tries to have fun.
I might like Eric. I have to try to get beyond the "America's Player" lame pranks to decide for sure.
Hell's Kitchen is boring this summer. hmmm... I think it was last summer too.
My ittle birdy, Hok, is gone from So You Think You Can Dance.
DH & I love Jen. She's a riot. I love how things don't faze her at all. She had that lame breakdown after seeing her BB picture and then she lied about Nick but after that, she's been so much fun to watch. I loved the different ways she wore the unitard. I hope she stays.
DH & I really don't like Dick and never have from the beginning. I just don't like people who accuse others of doing bad things when they are doing the same things themselves.
And, IT'S A FREAKIN GAME! People are supposed to play the game for crying out loud.
I still like Danielle but she's wearing on me real quick.
I would love to see Kail, Dick and Amber leave.
Oh yeah, how can I forget Dustin. I'm still liking him.
Jessica is fun but her voice gets on my nerves.
I stopped watching Hell's Kitchen after a couple of shows. Was too stressful for me.
Awwwwwwwwwww I miss Hoc. He was terrific.
I haven't ever watched Big Brother. I'm more into the talent show variety of reality shows.
I miss Hok because he always made me smile. :(
Jen cracks me up. At first it was because she was so much fun to laugh at, but now I also like that she just does her own thing and doesn't let people get to her.
I don't like Dick. I was ambivalent about him at first, but now I've decided I don't like him at all.
Nick looks fuckin' creepy with that moustache and slicked back hair. I'll take the sheepdog look he had in the beginning over creepy greaser any day.
I like Eric. He seems fun.
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