Thursday, August 09, 2007

This year's Big Brother contestants are horrible. They all suck so much as people that I am forced to root for a narcissistic bikini model who cries over bad pictures. I was feeling bad for Eric because he was thrown the role of "America's Player" and made to cast ignorant votes (from probably the same people who voted for Jordin) that were/are based on CBS's editted bullshit. But you know what? He could have thought up lies to reason why he placed those votes instead of letting others take blame for them (Nick, Jen, Daniele). And? He's vile. And? He wanted Nick out because they had the same gameplan? Really? Eric. Please. Big difference between Nick flirting with girls and you flirting with girls. Dick is a misogynistic pig who spits way too much in a confined area where people walk around in bare feet and threatens to ass rape people until they bleed to death because they didn't want him rubbing butter off of their hot bikini-clad body. Dani is not happy unless she's bashing other people and she CLEARLY sees herself as so far above everybody else ~which, granted, probably isn't so difficult with this bunch of people. But how freakin cute is she in a bunny suit?!!! (Plus I'm totally convinced the Donatos are plants so I don't want to see them there anymore.) Jameka and Jessica don't bother me too much (aside from the constant and obnoxious mmmhmmming from Jameka) but they don't give me enough reason to care about them or think they're smart enough to stay. Zach is awkward and creepy but I wouldn't mind him staying until F2 because he's such the underdog. I almost like Dustin most of the time but he irks. Amber is... Amber Amber Amber. *sigh* I do feel bad for her because she's clearly mentally challenged (like for real) and has no business being there. She's ignorant to everything (asking Jameka if "God" offends Eric because he's Jewish, asking Jameka what words like adulterous, defy, celibate, and humiliate mean) outside of her own, obviously very sheltered, world. She's a recovering addict who clearly has no idea what kind of backlash she is in for when she leaves this house and I honestly have fear that she won't handle it well. IF, and that's a mighty big "if", Kail is still there tonight I'd like to see her, Jen and Zach team up and take the rest out. And I don't even like them. But whatever. I think my ultimate F2/win at this moment, because that's likely to change several times, would be Jen and Daniele or preferably Zach with Jen winning. I could never stay interested in a season until the sixth and this year reminds me why... because I really don't like most people that are cast on reality shows and this show is kinda boring unless you're a psych student. I'm not sure why I still watch it. No clue.


Deb said...

I did not like Jen at first, but now she is the one I am rooting for as well. I'm not sure what keeps me watching. I liked Dick at first, but he is really an abusive pig. His daughter is a spoiled little brat. And Whaaaaamber...don't get me started on her. She is going to have a whole new set of problems when she exits the house. People did not like her ignorant comments about Jewish people. I'm not even Jewish and I was offended.

At first I thought Jen was a total narcistic bitch, but now I'm starting to think she is alot like Janie in the sense that she portrays a ditz, but really is extremely smart. While Janie made some poor choices, she was one helluva player and Jen is shaping up to be the same way. She wins when she needs to and she doesn't let Dick get to her.

Again, not sure what keeps me watching.

Jen said...

I wish I could see the BBAD shows or the live feeds or something. I read the update threads, but I know there is a ton I'm missing. Like why do you say Eric is vile? What did he do? I still feel bad for him.

GO JEN! (BTW, I'm totally upset that she is aligning herself with Daniele. Ugh.)