I am so ready for this to come back on my television... October 5th:

For the love of Peter Petrelli, I am ready for this... September 24th:

oh Milo... it was the future disfiguration that did it.
and I'm ready for this because Hello? who doesn't get all "go ahead bite me" over hot vampires?... September 28th:
I'm SURE there are more but that's all my brain has room for today.
I may seem shallow (no really?) and all but come on, Friday Night Lights and Heroes are really good shows and I have high hopes for Moonlight with a Ghost Whisperer lead-in.
Prison Break!! Wenty beats whatshisface and Milo and vampires any day of the week.
Heroes! WOOHOO!
I'm also looking forward to the vampire show. Vampires are so sexy.
Looking forward to Lost.
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