Monday, July 21, 2008

It's things like this

from the Chicago Tribune that make me feel good:

Others fared better. Johns' performance, featuring stadium-ready anthems courtesy of Queen and Aerosmith, proved far-more memorable than his plebeian name; White, alternating between guitar and piano, charmed her way through "1-2-3-4" and "Yellow"; Castro, with his shoulder-length dreadlocks, brought a mellow, stoner vibe to a ukulele-driven "Over the Rainbow."

The top two contestants couldn't live up to these simple charms.

Because, as some of you may recall, those three top my favorites of the season list.


Velva said...

They got a review like that in San Jose as well. I didn't really follow the show much this year as we didn't have TV for 9.5 months and we only got the new antenna set up because of SYTYCD.

Also, it was hard to care about David Cook. Something about how he was praised for his innovative performance of "Billie Jean." No, Simon... it was innovative when Chris Cornell recorded it almost two years ago. Now it's a cover of a cover.

Glowie said...

I love you. Just sayin'. :)

9.5 months? I would DIE!!