Friday, May 11, 2007

I am having a really busy day. I just ventured over to RTVW and saw something that perked me up and made me forget what I was supposed to be doing. So then I checked my email and there it was. The alert.
NBC is leaving the Lights on. I just got done flying around my office like a madwoman and now I am back to my normal, cool and composed self. I have a lot of thoughts about this (Really Glowie? You do?) but I am superbusy so I will have to do that later.



Schnookie said...

Yay for you Glowie!

Velva said...

Hooray! Now all I need is a DVD of season 1 to be a happy happy girl!

sharnina said...

I thought about you when I read that the Lights would be staying on. Yaayyyy!!

But did you see that they recently canned the guy the worked to keep it in the schedule? Skeery stuff. :(