Thursday, August 16, 2007

So okay. I'm really going to miss watching So You Think You Can Dance. I don't remember if I feel this bummed about it every year or not.

I've been saying through the season that I want Sabra to win. I've always thought Danny is the best but I just felt like she should win. That is, until last night. I will be bummed with the voters again if he doesn't take this season. He blew everybody away last night. The first season I wanted Blake to win because he was the best. The second season I wanted Travis to win (when it came down to him and Benji) , I thought Allison was the best but Natalie was my favorite. I just love these contemporary dancers. I was telling Jen that I like to be touched by dance. If they make me feel something, I love it. Danny's dancing is so beautiful. I don't ever remember thinking that before. He's amazing to watch. It touches me the way that beautiful music does. It's art. Blake always made me feel like he was putting everything into his dance. That touched me. It was the same way for me watching Natalie doing her solos last year. So. If there was ever a season that a girl should have won, it was the second season. This is all in my opinion, of course.
My reasons for not being able to bring myself to say that Danny is better than Blake are for that reason. When I watch Danny dance, it moves me to tears at times but not for the same reasons. Danny makes me cry because he's beautiful. Blake and Natalie (and Allison) make me cry because they wrench my heart. But Danny is the only one thus far that has made me verbally pledge my undying fandom. I would pay to see him dance by himself for hours.

I'm going to put some of my favorite dances in this post. I can't watch the youtubeys at this moment but I'll try to remember to check them later.

Danny and Anya "Apologize"

Kameron and Lacey "Dancing"

Danny and Neil

Danny "We Are The Champions"

Neil solo

Kameron solo

Blake "Body Language"

(it's mind numbing to me that he didn't win based on this alone)

Hok and Jaimie

Neil and Sabra

Blake and Destini

Season 3 top 10 "The Moment I Said It" Imogen Heap

I'm so bummed that I can't find a link for last year's group number to Imogen Heap's "Hide and Seek" because that? was awesome.

Season 2 top 10 "Ramalama (Bang Bang)" Roisin Murphy

Allison and Ivan "Sexy Love"

And by all means, please visit

gah. There are many more, I'm sure. And I think I have more to say but I can't think of anything right now. Words are forming correctly for me lately.


Jen said...

Yay for videos. I'll be watching these later. Especially want to see Blake and Destini since I don't remember season 1.

Boo for Danny not winning. I'm not overly upset about it, but more upset than I thought I would be. I realized at some point during the show last night that he has put up with more crap (with all the arrogance shit) this season than anyone else and it was totally undeserved. That made me want to root for him more, in combination with his wonderful dancing.

Velva said...

I had a wonderful time watching this season, although by the end my favorite performer was Neil. He just turned out to be so amazing.

Danny IS arrogant, but he's also beautiful and it was only in the last two weeks that I thought anyone could beat him in this competition.

I felt bad for Lacey on Wednesday because she was the only person who got unwarranted negative comments. I was actually kind of disgusted about the tongue bath Danny and Sabra got after they did the worst routine of the night.

Glowie said...

So I turned on my computer last night and started watching some of Danny's pre-SYTYCD videos. I am awed by him.

Jen, I saw quite a few videos I could add to this post but I think I'll save them for a rainy day.

Velva, I ended up being very proNeil by the end of it too. He really did improve and his character performances are brilliant. I don't think he'll hurt for work.