Thursday, July 31, 2008


It seems like I'm always getting behind these people that I'm always feeling like I have to defend. I don't know why I do that and I know it's a pain in the ass. I just want people to know that I see something totally different than they see. I turned on my Sirius on my way home and put it on Left of Center. It made kind of chuckle to myself because I guess that's why I'm always picking up favorites that people don't understand. And I really do believe that's what it is. They don't understand him. He's not a hip hop dancer. He's not a ballroom dancer. He's not a jazz dancer. He's not a contemporary dancer. He's a DANCER. He has consistently picked up every piece of choreography that has been thrown at him. He has done miles better than anybody else this season in that regard. I just don't get how that can even be argued. I'm so tired of hearing how he gets ranked so low because of his solos. He dances. He doesn't do tricks. He doesn't pull gimmicks. He doesn't do what people want him to do. He does what the music tells him to do. God, I love that about him. And people say he's awful because they can't label him. I am so proud of him and everything he has done. I am proud of his fans for sticking it out and not letting people convince them that they are wrong.

I will not be okay if Mark goes home tonight. It will ruin the finale for me. Hell, it will ruin the season.

This season would have been a waste for me if he wasn't there.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How's this?

I think I did it right.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Nashville Star

is a really bad show. Just sayin'. I ff'ed through every single song on this week's episode. actually, I guess I ff'ed through just about the whole show. The ff used to only be used for Coffey... who is just not good at all. He's very likable though. So he's got that going for him.

I just watched an old Jared Leto movie. "The Last of the High Kings" aka "Summer Fling" He is so stupid beautiful. It's a crime. Some of his physical beauty should be passed out to some of us that could use it. sheeeeeesh. Naked butt too. Hubby walked in during the sex part (right before naked butt) and said, "What are you watching?" I said, "Jared Leto porn. hahahaha *notice he's not laughing* No. This is the first and only part like this at all." It was better than I thought it would be and I'm pretty convinced I saw it back in the day. Jared's always worth a re-watch though even if the movie isn't. Not that it was bad but if he wasn't in it, I'd have deleted it from the DVR. Glad I didn't because, well, because Jared Leto butt, but also because the music was cool. (lots of Thin Lizzy)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Season 2 Top 6

I remember this Mia Michaels. No props. Just really amazing dance. Brings me to tears every single time.

A post about Mark

Inspired by a response to Tummy on my other blog.

I think that if I was a musician, I would hire him, beg him, to be a part of my band. His job would be to just dance to my music. I think that would be brilliant.

Monday, July 21, 2008

It's things like this

from the Chicago Tribune that make me feel good:

Others fared better. Johns' performance, featuring stadium-ready anthems courtesy of Queen and Aerosmith, proved far-more memorable than his plebeian name; White, alternating between guitar and piano, charmed her way through "1-2-3-4" and "Yellow"; Castro, with his shoulder-length dreadlocks, brought a mellow, stoner vibe to a ukulele-driven "Over the Rainbow."

The top two contestants couldn't live up to these simple charms.

Because, as some of you may recall, those three top my favorites of the season list.

Friday, July 18, 2008

There's something wrong with me

Seriously. I need help. I really lucked out with my husband because nobody else in the world would put up with me. Me and my obsessing over contestants on reality shows. Y'all, I love Mark Kanemura. IV real (that's me mocking because that IV real drives me bonkers). He puts a smile on my face. Lil C said he reminds him of "the most instrumental worker bee for the art hive" and he has a "distinctive atmosphere" and said, "Keep doing what you're doing. Please."


I'm always one of the first ones on that grassy knoll. This time though, I am choosing to climb down from there and believe my gut. This guy is special. Why would they try to get him booted off? Right?

When he was declared safe, Chelsie gave him the hug I wanted to give him. Hell, I needed a hug.

Keep doing what you're doing, Mark. Please.

Vote for Mark!








