Thursday, July 05, 2007

Friday Night Lights first season on DVD - Release date August 28th. Price $29.95.

*counts pennies*


Velva said...


*Dances with glee*

Now I can get Dave addicted!

*Waits to hear if there's anything about a Heroes DVD set*

Jen said...

That's a great price. The Prison Break 2 set is $39 and I can't afford that. *pout* And of course I've had QAF seasons 4 and 5 in my wish list forever. They're over $60 each. *sigh*
$30 is much more reasonable.

Queen TV said...

Wow only $29.99, thats a fantastic price.

Heroes DVD season 1 set comes out Aug 28th. I should do a DVD release date post on my blog one of these days....

I have spoilers for season 2 of Friday Night Lights on my blog. I'm warning you they are very detailed.

Queen TV said...

Sorry for the extra post but I just saw that amazon is selling the FNL season 1 DVD now for $19.99! Holy crap is that a good price!

Glowie said...

wow! Thanks for that info!
*resists spoilers*
*tries to resist spoilers*
*runs to spoilerqueen's blog*