Wednesday, September 19, 2007

And with two sentences

I am now more in love with Jen Johnson than I am with James Rhine. Hard to believe considering my love for James.

"I obviously don't respect either of you as people in the real world, but at this point I have no choice but to vote for one of you."

"Well, I was wondering who was that childish when it happened...but now I see it was America."

Because of James, I watched this year. I always found this show to be kind of blah and couldn't get into a season until season 6 (and I love James so I have to assume it was because of him). Then I watched season 7 because he was on again. I stopped watching it when he was evicted and I didn't miss it.

But I started watching it this year. I think I was intrigued by the Big Brother After Dark aspect and getting some of that house vibe without reading ceaseless ramblings from board posters to get one tidbit of information. Then I was getting kind of angry that I got sucked into it this year with all the threats of death by sodomy and the whining and the spitting and the calling a bikini model fat and how frushhhhhhstraating everything was...
but because of Jen I feel like the Donato family season wasn't a total waste of time.

And with that, I have gained three additional television-free hours per week. (We're not counting the 21!!!! hours of BBAD because I gave that up last Thursday when bunny Zach was sent to the jury house.)


Jen said...

I finally got around to watching the finale last night. I love those two sentences that you mentioned, but also the "Honestly..." right before she cast her vote. Making fun of Daniele for saying that all the time. I was LMAO.

Love you, Jen!! :)

Karla said...

I got sucked into BBAD as well. Loved it.