Wednesday, April 18, 2007

4/18/07 Results Show

Okay. I'm not commenting anymore on the eye roll. I think it got taken WAY out of context. I don't think Chris did anything wrong and I think the only thing Simon did wrong was question his singing style since he sings the same way all the time.

Bucky in the audience!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will admit to loving the group number.
And Fergie. Thought my DH thought she had too many clothes on.
And the Ford commercial. Love those cheesy things.
And I will admit to thinking Chris is really really attractive.

Idol Gives Back. Should be a good night. oh. A good two nights.

oh and the whole making Melinda choose the bottom and top three? old. Ridiculous as usual. Good for Melinda. Ryan had no idea what to do when she sat down on the stage. I offically appreciate her. Maybe she went to see a personality coach?

Bottom three is my predicted bottom three.

Shrek the Third? Antonio Banderas. Voted seven times and he liked all seven. awww.

Martina McBride. I think she did a great job with the contestants and she seems to really care. Loved her before. Love her more now. Daughter is adorable.

I'll miss sweet sunshiny Sanjaya. I would really love to see him succeed.

So I turned my computer off last night before Sanjaya's singout. I was appalled by the complete lack of respect the audience showed this kid. I would have probably shed some tears anyway but when they all cheered, I lost a little bit of whatever good feelings I have left for humans. I mean, wow.

"Let's give 'em something to talk about other than hair." I love Sanjaya.

And Chris? seems to be a REALLY good hugger. I want a Chris hug.


Velva said...

I LOVED Melinda tonight. She's finally getting comfortable enough to show her personality. Also loved how the other contestants reacted to her sitting down in the middle of the stage.

I'm going to miss Sanjaya, but it had to happen sometime, and I'm glad it happened after a bad performance. I would have cried if it had been either of the last two weeks. I think even Simon is going to miss Sanjaya because he has such a great personality. "let's give them something to talk about other than hair." LOL

Glowie said...

Can they more plainly tell us that it's fixed? "voting rules are subject to change at any time without notice"


Yes, I'm glad it happened after a bad performance too. That doesn't happen all the time. I'm also glad he outlasted Haley, who was the true worst of the bunch.

Jen said...

I loved the "other than hair" thing. Good for him. I'm glad he went out still making people laugh.
But I'm still glad he's gone. :)

*thinks about Chris* *sigh*
Ack. There was something I was going to tell you/say about him. I can't remember.

Karla said...

I'm sorry but I will absolutely not miss Sanjaya. I couldn't even listen to "Something to Talk About" anymore without wincing, even when Bonnie Raitt was singing it. So far I think we'd been lucky in that nobody that truly deserved to win had gone home first, but if someone who actually could have won went home before he did it would have been a tragedy