Wednesday, March 07, 2007

3/7/07 Top 8 Girls

Oy. Paula’s under the desk. LOL

Jordin “Heartbreaker” - I liked this. The background music and vocals were a little loud. She looks beautiful and yay for football. Funny that she never seems to be tall and then Ryan comes over and stands beside her.

I hope Gina does well.
Sabrina is stunning. Stunning.

Sabrina “Don‘t Let Go” - I like her so I‘m always pleased well enough to rank her high but I never think she has that great of a voice. So I‘m always a little “huh?” when they say she has a great voice. I love that song and they were all dissing the song choice. I‘m in my bubble again.

Antonella “Put Your Records On” - yikes. I love Simon’s comments here. I agree 100% with what he said. And I respect her answer to the criticism. If they really don’t want her there, they need to just shut up and move along.

Haley “If My Heart Had Wings” - hmm. Her voice is surprisingly average. It doesn’t even sound like she was trying to sing. ~omg. I love Simon.~

WTF are they doing? Why are they dragging everything out? Shut.up.and.move.along. Gah.

Stephanie “Sweet Thing” - liked it

Lakisha “I Have Nothing” - she said “doverman”. *rolls eyes* Put the animals away? No thank you. You don’t need to come over if you don’t like animals. I’m a little bored with her already. She looks gorgeous.

Gina “Call Me When You’re Sober” - heh. “don’t feed the trolls” Awesome song choice. I love her. Does she have a perfect voice? No. Is she stunningly gorgeous? No. But hot damn this is what we need. “breath of fresh air” yep. Totally.

Melinda “I‘m A Woman” - That was my favorite performance so far this season. That deserved slobber. She’s great. Can she like go get a neck from somewhere and have like a neck implant? She really needs a neck.

Here’s what it comes down to for me. I don’t need anymore female singers. I have enough. Oh. Unless you’re a female rock singer. We could always use some more of those.


ummmm.... I don't know.
Haley - yes, I disliked it that much

1 comment:

Bravie said...

I was worried about Gina taking on this song. It's one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands. I thought she did okay though. I like this girl and hope she goes far.