Saturday, March 10, 2007

3/8/07 Results show

We just watched the results show. I gotta tell ya, I was very surprised to see Antonella and Sundance go. I wasn't sad to see them go but I was very surprised. I wasn't surprised to see Jared go and I was not sad to see him go. Sabrina? I wasn't totally surprised because we all expected it but I was very sad. I get that they had five power voices in the top 24 and she was the weakest of them all but Shawn said, "What the fuck? They're getting rid of all the pretty ones." Heh.

I'm thrilled that the ones I really like are still there. I have to go do that PTTE thing at some point. I would love a Blake/Melinda Final Two. That? would be fun. But it's just so early. Either one of them could choke at any point (see Mandisa). Or America could get it all wrong again, as usual (Chris Daughtry anybody?).


Schnookie said...

I was also surprised to see Antonella go. Not surprised about Sundance although I sort of thought Phil might get the boot. Glad he's still in it. Disappointed to see Sabrina go. I would have liked to hear her sing some more.

I'm rooting for Melinda and Blake.

Bravie said...

I was very happy to Antonella go. There was nothing about her that I liked. Not one thing. Thank goodness I don't have to watch her roll her eyes at the jusges ever again.